Monday, March 1, 2010

Not one to shy away from a little Geebus and Politics...

Eh, I'm just tired of all the f'ing God in our country. I was minding my own business yesterday, when a knock came on the door. Open it up and it's the general "family in the neighborhood spreading the word of Geebus" thing going on. I'm not going to hate on you for doing what you believe, but come on. When I say I'm not interested and even say "thank you, have a great rest of your weekend"... just go away. Don't ask if Geebus is in my heart. Don't ask if I've let him in. Just go away. I won't ask you if Satan keeps you up at night with that itch in your pants or if he makes you do that thing you do when nobody's looking. Ok? Deal?

Stole this from Darin's blog. Good shit. Now go away. 


Anonymous said...

I always answer the door with my shirt off with all that tattoos exposed. That usually sends them running. haha!! I ask them why they are here so early to try and take me to Jesus when I'm up all night trying to get to hell? Or you get a big dog and answer the door holding on to him. All very effective. --Ray

Craze! said...

The holy rollers that show up nowadays all have tattoos and listen to Christian hardcore... the world is going to burn in flames soon...

dan said...

Heh... a few years ago I answered the door for a pair of female mormons on "mission" without a shirt, my belt unbuckeled, and fly wide open. They smiled and asked if I'd like to hear about the word of god.

I smiled and said, "no thank you."

Last week a guy I knew was talking/bragging about his involvement with the Masons. My reply?
"I believe in science and the existence of dinosaurs, therefore i don't give an eff about your make believe religion."

I suppose I've grown more "fill in the blank" in my old age.

Anonymous said...

I always get the JW's at my house. Only once in a while do I get the crazy born-agains. --Ray

Craze! said...

Remember Dan, if you go to the Christian museums, they have dioramas of cavemen with dinosaurs all around. They seem to think that carbon dating is Satan's work. I bet they wish DNA testing was too... at least the Catholics do. :D