Oh yeah, who can forget the Monkees??? Michael Neysmith hittin' the tuque up hard. You might notice, this is the glorious tuque that graces our very own Saint Knucklehead on the site's logo. Yep, respect where respect is due. Sorry they chewed up your freedom and spit it out as commercial, kiddie, psycho babble there Mike, but we'll always remember this as your showing of true strength!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Hopper leaving us...
Sad, but true. Dennis Hopper looks to be on his last leg. I'm a huge fan of Hopper in general, but all the talk is usually centered around Easy Rider. Probably because everyone wants to be part of the chopperazzi and do the fashionista thing. The reality is that Easy Rider wasn't a "chopper" or "biker" flick. It was a hippy flick. Had some good parts, but it was not his best work. My money's on Apocalypse Now, but if you know me, you already figured that out. If you don't know why, go rent Heart of Darkness - the making of the movie. You'll get it. It will also put a new light on for Martin Sheen and the rest of the crew, but it lets you know how Hopper held his shit down. Or didn't. Whatever. I'm saddened to see him exit, but the world will know it was better for having had him around while he was here for sure.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Beautiful thing...
Time for a Brit bike. I just ripped the heart out of mine, so I'm waxing a little nostalgic here I guess. That, and this Heiwa Trump kicks some serious ass. No need for excuses to show this thing around...
Winner, winner, chicken dinner...
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Right again...
You can't tell me any different. I've been saying all along, it's only natural... no big thing.
This story snagged from CNN furthers the proof -
This story snagged from CNN furthers the proof -
Perhaps the biggest difference between the male and female brain is that men have a sexual pursuit area that is 2.5 times larger than the one in the female brain. Not only that, but beginning in their teens, they produce 200 to 250 percent more testosterone than they did during pre-adolescence.
If testosterone were beer, a 9-year-old boy would be getting the equivalent of a cup a day. But a 15-year-old would be getting the equivalent of nearly two gallons a day. This fuels their sexual engines and makes it impossible for them to stop thinking about female body parts and sex.
...To a man, this is the most natural response in the world, so he's dismayed by how betrayed his wife or girlfriend feels when she sees him eyeing another woman. Men look at attractive women the way we look at pretty butterflies. They catch the male brain's attention for a second, but then they flit out of his mind. Five minutes later, while we're still fuming, he's deciding whether he wants ribs or chicken for dinner. He asks us, "What's wrong?" We say, "Nothing." He shrugs and turns on the TV. We smolder and fear that he'll leave us for another woman.
Catch the rest HERE
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Holy Crap!
Mike D can stop looking for a club bike! Now he just has to decide if he wants airbags on the scooter... siiiiiiiick!
Thanks to Dan for the link! Now I can do whatever I want with that strange shovelhead in my garage...
Shop weekend...
SO... with everyone gone for the weekend, I got some good alone time in the shop. Finally gutted the Trump and got it out of the way for the time being while the motor goes through its 750 upgrade and some other tweaks. That made room for Mr. D's shovel to take the stand. TIME'S TICKING!!! Figure I'll give him a week or two to show some interest and then I'm going to gut it and make it the way I want it! (insert evil laughter here)
Also ripped the fuggin' SU out of the pan to see what's up with that. Most likely getting the Super E after I rebuild that, but you never know... Found a Mikuni I thought I had sold with a pan manifold adapter, so that could be another option... choices, choices.
Then I tore into the van. Cleaned up some of the underbelly goop and tightened all the loose shit. Hit most of the things on my shopping list other than a new radiator, which I'll hopefully find today. This week is new Ujoints, hoses, and more general clean-up and lube. I said lube. LUBE. Oh yeah. Nothing like the smell of a little van lube in the morning!

Also ripped the fuggin' SU out of the pan to see what's up with that. Most likely getting the Super E after I rebuild that, but you never know... Found a Mikuni I thought I had sold with a pan manifold adapter, so that could be another option... choices, choices.
Then I tore into the van. Cleaned up some of the underbelly goop and tightened all the loose shit. Hit most of the things on my shopping list other than a new radiator, which I'll hopefully find today. This week is new Ujoints, hoses, and more general clean-up and lube. I said lube. LUBE. Oh yeah. Nothing like the smell of a little van lube in the morning!
Came outta this...

To be replaced by this...

Then I removed a tumor from this...

Only to finish the day disecting more of the underbelly of the van. No pics of that. Suck it.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Gotta Love It...
Sometimes, things just kinda work... Dug into the van motor yesterday afternoon and found that the idle screw had been backed out so far, it really wasn't doing much. Some adjusting and now she runs like a top. Fiddled with the dash loom and got some wiring cleaned up and miraculously, the A/C started working and all the dash lights came back. Figured I better not press my luck much more, so I just jumped in and drove the crap out of it going to meet Mike D and Wayne Ballard for some China grub.
I like it when a plan comes together.
I like it when a plan comes together.
Friday, March 19, 2010
New Shoes, New Views...
Ok, so the shoes are the new Cragars... "views"? I have no idea. Rhymes with Shoes. Sue me. I did put stickers on the windows though. I hear that's what all the cool kids are doing, so far be it from me to miss a trend. Had some flashbacks to the punk rock prius though... good times!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Sacto visit part II...
Had a good time hanging with the Sacto boys out by the driveway fire last Saturday. Trip turned out way longer than either Mike D or I wanted it to, but we got the van and made it home without issue, so I'm not gonna bitch too loud. Steve gave up his front yard and garage, and the crew had fine stories and hardware. Thanks for the hospitality boys!
Lisa Ballard asked me to help out quick with a couple logos for herself and the Limpnickie lot collective. I tossed a couple ideas together based on her input and came up with these. By some good graces, she dug 'em right out of the box! Now she owes me exactly 2 million dollars. I'm waiting...
Shiny Side, Lisa's marketing firm...
Limpnickie logo for their "giving back" program - they do food drives and cool stuff for the communities where they participate in bike shows / events. Cool program. Cool people. Glad to help.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Lost a friend...
Well, I'm not the best at keeping up with the world these days. I, like most people, get caught up in the hustle and forget that there's a world outside our own that is turning whether we like it or not. This time, I find that it turned a way I'd prefer it didn't. Long time friend Robbie passed away late last year and I only found out recently. We hadn't seen each other in years, but had hooked up again last year through the wonderful world of the web. He'd moved his life to New Mexico, had a beautiful wife and they recently had their first child. Life was always bright for Robbie, because he was one of the few that fought through it in order to guarantee it would shine. I never knew him to give up or give in. Whether skating, fighting school, or whatever life threw at us, he always kept the rest of the crew rooted in the fact that it just "is what it is". You'll be missed brother. I'm really sorry I didn't go out to NM to see him. Don't wait on the things you think you'll do tomorrow folks.
Back seat of my bug... I think Mac Frizzel took this... probably Duncanville skate trip around 1988-89

Back seat of my bug... I think Mac Frizzel took this... probably Duncanville skate trip around 1988-89
Smurf Ramp - late 80's

A pic of Robbie later on doing the movie thing...
Take care brother.
Rolling in graves...
Yeah, I know this is the visual age, where we all need eye-stimulus to get the point across to our over-stimulated brain cells, but you're going to have to deal with blank space this time. No pics. I was reading along today, when I spied Ed Hardy Vodka ads and an article about all the "stars" supporting the release. I have no idea if this is new news, or old (many of you know how out of the media stream I am), but it just blows my mind.
The vultures of today feeding on the work of yesterday to crank out a buck. Can you say Von Dutch? How about it Christian? Don Ed may have studied under Sailor Jerry Collins, but what right does that give him to sell the soul of the past to Christian and his brand-whore network? Wow... I wonder who makes the dough off every Johnny Cash shirt they sell. What about those CBGB shirts I see on fashion darlings in Hollywood? Ramones shirts anyone? Fucking lame. I don't give a shit who's authorization you have or what licenses you bought. It just reeks. I'm getting older and just don't see the use in being a grave digger I guess. Everyone needs money to live. I get it. I'm no different. But robbing the soul from the things that were true doesn't seem like the way to do it. Keep digging guys, I'm sure some day you'll revive gay piano virtuoso bling and many other fine dead celeb fashions for the sheep to flaunt. It's much easier than creating something of your own. I'm sick of hearing how "it's all been done before", or "everything's cyclical", or "I've paid my dues". That's the bullshit that lame, creativity-lacking, mouth breathers use to explain theft and complacency. Whatever. I can't stop it, but I can sure stop supporting it. Hopefully you will too.
I'll keep laughing at the rap stars and media darlings wearing tattoo gear with all their tramp stamp glory and cleavage focus. Spit my drink out every time I run across another mom-and-pop clothing store that switched from country chic to tattoo grunge 'cause "that's where the money's at". Wait for them to move along so I can laugh at their next attempt at glory. Keep chasing... hope you find what you're hunting for.
I'll just continue to reminisce over the fact that it's the ideas and creations from the people they're so afraid of and "hate" so much that they claw over each other for when the fashion bell rings.
And people wonder why we say society doesn't work for us anymore. This isn't my neighborhood. This isn't my society.
FUCK 'em.
I'm going to go invent Liberace-flavored liquor and get rich... catch you poolside in Vegas baby!
The vultures of today feeding on the work of yesterday to crank out a buck. Can you say Von Dutch? How about it Christian? Don Ed may have studied under Sailor Jerry Collins, but what right does that give him to sell the soul of the past to Christian and his brand-whore network? Wow... I wonder who makes the dough off every Johnny Cash shirt they sell. What about those CBGB shirts I see on fashion darlings in Hollywood? Ramones shirts anyone? Fucking lame. I don't give a shit who's authorization you have or what licenses you bought. It just reeks. I'm getting older and just don't see the use in being a grave digger I guess. Everyone needs money to live. I get it. I'm no different. But robbing the soul from the things that were true doesn't seem like the way to do it. Keep digging guys, I'm sure some day you'll revive gay piano virtuoso bling and many other fine dead celeb fashions for the sheep to flaunt. It's much easier than creating something of your own. I'm sick of hearing how "it's all been done before", or "everything's cyclical", or "I've paid my dues". That's the bullshit that lame, creativity-lacking, mouth breathers use to explain theft and complacency. Whatever. I can't stop it, but I can sure stop supporting it. Hopefully you will too.
I'll keep laughing at the rap stars and media darlings wearing tattoo gear with all their tramp stamp glory and cleavage focus. Spit my drink out every time I run across another mom-and-pop clothing store that switched from country chic to tattoo grunge 'cause "that's where the money's at". Wait for them to move along so I can laugh at their next attempt at glory. Keep chasing... hope you find what you're hunting for.
I'll just continue to reminisce over the fact that it's the ideas and creations from the people they're so afraid of and "hate" so much that they claw over each other for when the fashion bell rings.
And people wonder why we say society doesn't work for us anymore. This isn't my neighborhood. This isn't my society.
FUCK 'em.
I'm going to go invent Liberace-flavored liquor and get rich... catch you poolside in Vegas baby!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
We got van paint figured out!
Oh yeah! Feast your eyes on this baby... I think we have a contender here. It's got all your Frazetta wannabe goodness. Chicks, demons, warriors on horseback... you name it! The thing that catches my eyes is the bitchin fab on the headlights and that bubble moon roof. Too bad, I think this one hit the scrap masher last year...
Tuque'fer Tuesday...
Ok, this edition of Tuque Tuesday doesn't have anyone manning the helm of a fantastic freedom piece, but rather just a view of the greatness that is Aaron over at LFTC. Note that not only did he send me this perfect example of tuquedom, but also had the forethought to include a pair of Billy-bob teeth and a sheriff's badge. Now I'm ready for anything! The Dre and Snoop sticker ain't bad either... I think that might get regifted to Mike D!
Monday, March 15, 2010
It can't be all glory and awesome in Japan...
A great day at the beach looks to have a sour ending... shame too. That flatty motor is going to need some cleaning.
Oh yeah...
We made it! Mike D and I scooted up to Sacramento Saturday to pick up the Combustion Van and weren't overly confident when ol' boy showed up with it. Not only was he 5 hours late to the meeting, but he was saying the Ujoints were going out and thought it would be best if we trailered it home. Great one genius... It's 6pm on Sunday and you expect us to find a trailer? Plus, Mike's Truck wouldn't stand a chance of towing the beast over the Grapevine, so we just manned up and jammed back.
I'll have more time to go through it this week, but I'm pretty sure dude had no idea what he was talking about. Not a single strange shimmy or shake to her in my opinion. Blasted the whole way back at around 70-80MPH and it just hummed right along. More updates as we start decking her out. '73 Ford Econo 100 Long box. She's a beaut!
Welcome home!
More pics of the trip to come once I actually get some sleep. Got back and in bed around 3 this morning and am fighting through work as it is... Great seeing the Sacto crew! Buddy, Darin, James, Mike, Steve and the bunch put on a great neighborhood fire and shit shooting party! Thanks boys!
Friday, March 12, 2010
I'm famous...
You can just stop trying to contact me from here on out. I'll be booked up. I have nothing to say to you pleebs anymore. From here on out, it's champagne and caviar, hobnobbing with the elite and running from paparazzi. Check your local ultra star rehab house in a couple months... that's probably where I'll be dining.
The Horse doing a feature on Santa Fe Importers and the local "last Saturday run" of the month.
What do you mean you don't see me???
I'm there! I'm a star! You can't take this away from me!!!!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Well, I procrastinated long enough. Seems like the things that need gettin' done don't always make it to the top of the "actually got it done" list like they need to lately... oh well. This time, something actually got most of the way done. I got the 220V circuits in the panel and tested and the compressor is running, but I still need to get the fittings all done correctly and piped for the other areas of the shop. Welder and plasma cutter are good to go! Like I said... finally. Still need to strap that shielded cable up, but that's as good as done.
Don't bitch at me about any code shit. I don't plan on inviting an inspector into my garage. I followed all the rules I know about anyways. No shocking experiences and it all worked on the first breaker flip. Thanks to good ol' Mike D for hooking up the last-minute Depot run for parts and for bringing a light!
Don't bitch at me about any code shit. I don't plan on inviting an inspector into my garage. I followed all the rules I know about anyways. No shocking experiences and it all worked on the first breaker flip. Thanks to good ol' Mike D for hooking up the last-minute Depot run for parts and for bringing a light!
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Big D's wet dream...
is for sale on the bay right now...
Comes with an extra complete bike as well, just in case you need TWO cb750s. This one is an old Denvers chop. Nice grab for somebody.
HERE to win!
Comes with an extra complete bike as well, just in case you need TWO cb750s. This one is an old Denvers chop. Nice grab for somebody.
HERE to win!
Don't remember...
If I ever posted this... oh well, old age at its finest here. This was finally getting the pan running. Shortly after this pic, I laid a 10 footer as I peeled her out around the corner. Clutch is better now, and the Super E should be cleaned up and on soon too. Lots of work in getting this "like new runner" actually being like new and running. Don't believe everything people tell ya... a lesson lived is a lesson learned... or something like that.
Sorry ladies...
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Tuque'fer Tuesday
Today's tuque is an individual you just don't fuck with. Not some namby-pamby whale watcher (sorry Jacques), or eye candy, but a real tower climbing, long-rifle wielding hero... just don't play russian roulette with him... yeah.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Fuggin' guy's everywhere!
For a guy that never seems to leave the house, Big D sure gets around. I'm innocently minding my own biz over at the Garage Mag site, when BAM! There's D in the background of yet another pic. I'm printing this one out to have him autograph it later. Seriously. He's a star. And he's dreamy... in a big, bald sorta way.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Been so busy getting the new shit up and running that I totally forget to show any two-wheeled love lately... so here ya go.
Stole this from Old Gold... Mike's sporty and my shovel at the slab right as we pulled in...
Stole this from Old Gold... Mike's sporty and my shovel at the slab right as we pulled in...
And this one of my Trump spinnin' that new belt like it's going out of style...
And last, but not least, this bitchin' Pan that I wish I owned. Ok, I have a pan, but this one is still fucking rad. I have a soft spot for swung bikes.
This one's for Big D...
He loves the little people!
Add a mullet, and this dude is pretty much unstoppable. Serious business.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Apple's done it again...
Apple announced today that it has developed a breast implant that can store and play music. The iTit will cost from $499 to $699, depending on cup and speaker size. This is considered a major social breakthrough, because women are always complaining about men staring at their breasts and not listening to them.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Anyone wanna buy my truck??
I'll sell her cheap. I mean it. Come get it and it's yours for 6k. Needs some tuning on the rebuilt 350, but is strong. Minor body work to redo the primer coat and sand down some spots, but no major rust or issues. I have all new glass and window seals that go with it, as well as a 50's era Chevy bench seat that's in pretty decent condition you could drop right in to replace those buckets. Sitting on one flat and weld wheels, but in reality, this is a steal! Seriously. Come get it! Let your pals know. Let everyone know. I've decided I have too many projects and I need this thing gone! I'll look at trades for anything other than more cars. Seriously... I'll take tools, motorcycles, construction work, yard work, what you got??
Not one to shy away from a little Geebus and Politics...
Eh, I'm just tired of all the f'ing God in our country. I was minding my own business yesterday, when a knock came on the door. Open it up and it's the general "family in the neighborhood spreading the word of Geebus" thing going on. I'm not going to hate on you for doing what you believe, but come on. When I say I'm not interested and even say "thank you, have a great rest of your weekend"... just go away. Don't ask if Geebus is in my heart. Don't ask if I've let him in. Just go away. I won't ask you if Satan keeps you up at night with that itch in your pants or if he makes you do that thing you do when nobody's looking. Ok? Deal?
Stole this from Darin's blog. Good shit. Now go away.
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