Mike D finally got off his ass and bribed someone (cough... Lisa... cough) to make a blog for him. Welcome to the 21st century brother!
Mike happens to be a purveyor of fine brand used, top-of-bottom-shelf, style MC parts. If you're looking for anything that is still caked with 8 layers of gunk, give him a shout!
Check him HERE!
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Time for resolutions...
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Anyone know how this feels??
I mean, come on...
At least it's not as bad as when I ran the Prius out of gas... yeah... really... I know some passer-by has a cam shot of me filling the old hybrid out of a jerry can on the side of some road in Irvine... anyone?
Christmas in Diego...
Suckafree and I cruised down to Diego to check out Big Oscar's little get-together and had a blast. It was hot as shit and they were out of drinks by the time we drug our asses out, but other than that, good times!
I can't figure out the mirrors on the headrests, but I'm not from that part of town, so I guess it works...
Dragons? Check... Warrior? Check... Demon? Check... Wizard? Check... Gargoyles? Check... I now know how to get all the ladies...
Ghetto shoes...
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Sometimes it's really worth it...
I'm talking about the type of event that's actually worth driving to the cesspool that is LA... I'm talking about the type of event that's worth sitting through not 3, but FOUR fucking rotten wanna-be thrash bands and not passing out... Yes, I'm talking about the heros that are DRI! Mike D, Duane, Wayne and I all hit the show with high hopes and they were definitely met...

It was LA HOB, so I couldn't swing a photo pass, but the wonderful iShit phone cam got enough of it to show you that it was, in fact, just like watching them ages ago... packed, sweaty, and fast as fuck! Well worth it!
Feeling Mannly again?
Well here you go... the rest of my lovely iJunk shots of the show...
Duane, will you have my babies?
I do love me a K model from time to time...
All the knucks left in America might have been here too... except for one that I know of...
One of my personal faves... I wonder if the mushroom stays on the seat at high speeds?
Monday, December 28, 2009
A little Mannliness for ya...
Yeah, you've seen it all before... I know, I know... but you ain't seen MY SHOTS BITCHES!!! Get over it and feast your eyes upon the wonder that can only be the David Mann show... brought to you in wonderful tech-no-color and the brilliant fucktards in iPhone land...
Gotta love one with a million fucking miles on it... Panhead Billy I presume?
I like me a skinny one...
I think almost all of the remaining American Pans were here...
I'll post some more tomorrow... or whenever...
December in Cali...
I never can get used to the fact that it's pretty much always great weather out here. I'm so accustomed to shit weather this time of year, and even after 5 years of being Californiaized, I still stare in amazement some days...
It's freakin' December people! Put some clothes on!
It's freakin' December people! Put some clothes on!
Hung out by the speed rail down in San Diego and watched crazy people all day... some owning it, some being owned by it... never fails to lift your spirits either way!
Friday, December 11, 2009
Weekend Wonderland...
Yep, while the rest of the country has shit weather, we have shows! (Yes, I know that we are supposed to have shit weather too, but I like to rub it in anyways...) Plan to make at least one, if not both. Got the art show too... thank geebus there's stuff to sink my mind into right now!
See you out there somewhere...
See you out there somewhere...
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Man, I swear I never catch up to what I want to post on here when I want to post it... oh well. Mike D and I took a little trip to the great state of Arizona a couple weeks back. Love that place... they treat you like a rock star the whole time you're driving through... must have gotten my picture taken on the highway about a 100 times or so... never knew we were so popular...
Anyways, stopped by and met up with Jeremiah over at Love's and ran into Grant from FMA as well... some good stories and lots of keeping J from getting that pan done!
Said pan...

This place wasn't so bad either...
Anyways, stopped by and met up with Jeremiah over at Love's and ran into Grant from FMA as well... some good stories and lots of keeping J from getting that pan done!
Said pan...
Some other piece of junk scoot that he should have let us take off his hands...
Good times! Got the '56... got home... and got lots of photos that I hope the Arizona rock star hotline sends to us soon... good thing I never put the license plate on the truck I guess...
Monday, November 16, 2009
Slab City... gotta go before you die...
Yes, you need to see this place. I've been to all 4 corners of the world and seen shit that I thought topped it all, but to go to Slab City for a night brought some new perspective to my world! The riot was a blast and was cool to hang with Mike D., DB and son and the rest of the gang. Thanks go out to Billtwell and all those who contributed to making this thing go off!
Someone thought I looked good enough to take a pic...

Salvation rock is the local Disneyland...

God loves you... until that stack of hay bales falls on your head, then you can only get in touch with his lawyers!

I made it to the top! I guess I'm saved now? Hello? Is this thing on?

Get your 2010 Tweakers on Bikes Calendar before they're all gone!

Monday, November 9, 2009
Some PROgress...
Needed to "modify" the neck on the Trump to get the springer on, so crank up the juice!

Not too shabby... need to smooth it out

Next up was showing the buggered sissy and fender the door

Nice and clean!

Here she is with the new tanks mocked along with the springer. Waiting on my spool to get laced up and trying to figure out what to do with the seat / fender setup. Lots of space in the rear tube area now that oil's in the tank up top... thinking about a custom tool / stash box. Gonna start knocking out a seat pan this week and play around with the stowage idea a little... don't hold your breath.

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