Monday, November 9, 2009

Some PROgress...

Got back out to the shop yesterday to actually do some work in my "new" environs... Felt like crap most of the day, but still managed to operate power tools without losing any digits, that's how you know I'm pro.

Needed to "modify" the neck on the Trump to get the springer on, so crank up the juice!

Not too shabby... need to smooth it out

Next up was showing the buggered sissy and fender the door

Nice and clean!

Here she is with the new tanks mocked along with the springer. Waiting on my spool to get laced up and trying to figure out what to do with the seat / fender setup. Lots of space in the rear tube area now that oil's in the tank up top... thinking about a custom tool / stash box. Gonna start knocking out a seat pan this week and play around with the stowage idea a little... don't hold your breath.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG!! You're ALIVE!! Looks Good.--Ray