Here are some shots from the weekend... get more up as I can. Took a shit-load! Good times were had, Mooneyes makes me remember why I hate getting up so early, but was fun anyhow... just shot photos and watched some drag racing. Good friends, good times. Mann art show / Chopperfest was a good time as well, met up with an old friend I hadn't seen for a while and met some of the guys whose blogs I follow... and got my freakin' air cleaner from Gabe at After Hours Choppers finally! Hooked me up with a cool set of risers too... maybe I'll get my ass up and actually put 'em on sometime soon...
Anyways... enough ramblin'...
There's always more, but so little time these days!
At least it wasn't cold too...err I guess it was both early AND cold. my bad.
Fuck yeah it was cold... my skin has gotten thin since moving out here though... ha!
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