Ha! Yeah, impulse strikes again and I scored an old '62 Pan motor and a rolling chassis over the weekend. First bad sign was going to Kutty's "yard sale" on Saturday morning... It should have been called "Kutty's good way to take all your money" party... you know, lure you in with donuts and then when you least expect it, says "hey, you know... that frame over there would make a good project"... ouch!
Yeah, well, long story short, I make a call that afternoon to find out that my buddy isn't going to buy the pan motor he found, and that I have the clearance to dive in... so I do and go look at it that night. Good score. All there. No cracks. Less money in the bank now. Call Kutty up and give him what's left for the roller. Custom frame... 46rake... long-ass front end. Perfect. Now I'm off to sell my soul or body or whatever I can to pay for it all and make sure I can eat next week. I'm taking donations if you feel giving during the holidays!
Pics will follow... promise.