Friday, July 2, 2010

Happy Independence Weekend!

Remember this weekend is not about what fireworks you buy, or how much you can drink and not pass out. It's not about cookouts, and BBQ. It's not about family and friends. It's not even about remembering the fallen who fought for our freedoms. All of those are good and some of those are great, but this weekend is about being more than just great. It's about what's to come, not what's gone by. It's about what's happening right now around you in the world close to home. It's about standing up and making change for all of us.

We are in a position where the government today is worse in it's tyranny than that of the regime the founding fathers broke away from. Our freedoms are no longer our own and are bought and sold on open markets to the highest bidders regardless of our take on it.

THIS COUNTRY IS IN A STATE OF FINANCIAL RUIN UNLIKE ANYTHING EVER SEEN. Don't believe me? The US is on the verge of not being able to service the INTEREST PAYMENTS on its debt. We are fast approaching a point where that interest will be so great on a monthly basis that we can't ever even hope to pay the principal. Ever. Think about that. How long can that work? Do you think all the foreign and domestic interest that owns the notes to the US debt is going to just say, "OK, no sweat, we'll forgive the total..."? No way. We will lose control completely. Public services will shut down. Government employees will be let go in droves. You want scary end-of-the-world type shit? It's not about atomic bombs and virus outbreaks. It's about money. Period.

"Free Market" thought process abused by swindlers and power-mongers has brought us to a precipice and most of those around you and maybe you yourself don't seem to give a rat's ass. Everyone's too busy trying to make the rent money or pay the medical bills or the credit card bill or buy that new fancy thingamajig that they're just sure will make life better.

You know what will make life better? Getting off your ass and showing the power-mongers that we won't sit by while they sell America down the river for their own profit. We won't sit by while America becomes some Politically Correct bastion of complacency. We won't sit by while foreign interest infests our country like a virus and pays no heed to the rules that opened the doors for them in the first place. Stop wondering how one person can make a difference and go out and make a difference. How? Stop buying shit on credit. I don't give a rat's ass if you think you need it or not. If you're in a position where you have to use a credit card to survive, you are dying a slow death already and taking the country with you. Fix it. Suck it up and find a way to get your life to a place where no one holds the strings but you. If you have to live with your parents or 3 of your friends to do it, do it! It doesn't happen quickly, but small steps starting now, will gain you much more freedom quicker than you can imagine. Stop sitting idly by while our country and it's founding ideals wash down the drain while government chalks it up to "global economy" or some crap. Stop thinking that being American entitles you to all the coolest shit on the planet. Stop thinking you deserve anything. You don't. I don't. We get what we build for ourselves as individuals and communities. If you don't have a way to pay for something with money you actually have, then you don't need it. Period.

In the days of old, banks loaned based on what they held in people's deposit money. A rule of thumb was that they could loan out approximately 90% of money in the vault, assuming that no more than 10% of us would come ask for our money at any given time. If they loaned more than they had, they could not service their customers and they failed.

Today, the right to print money does not belong to the US. Realize that the Federal Reserve is not part of the government. It is a private organization. Did you know that? They don't want you to. They can print money whenever they want. Creating inflation or deflation as they please. They allow the banks to simply write up their balances in order to loan more money than they actually have in reserve. There are no reserves any longer. Just ledger adjustments. They don't have real money to back what they loan you. I call that fraud. Period. There are not enough dollars being made and deposited by the citizens or businesses into banks to create these loans, so who's actually going to pay them back?? This system creates a kill-or-be-killed mentality that has us all chasing too few dollars to pay back loans that were fraudulent to begin with. There was no actual principal to loan, yet they make interest on us. Hmmmm.

What do you imagine would happen if a group representing 10% of deposit value walked into the bank tomorrow and asked to close our accounts and take the cash? THE BANKS COULD NOT SUPPORT THE AMOUNT AND THE ENTIRE BANKING INDUSTRY WOULD COLLAPSE. In one day. Imagine that. If the fed simply decided to print enough money to service the request for cash, they'd show the flaw in the system. You want to talk about revolt? Tell America they can't have their money. And that's only 10%. Imagine if we all did this.

Imagine the reform that would be forced on our government if we could show that type of solidarity amongst the people. Forget race, color, creed, religion or any other divisive bullshit for just one day and think of what we could do. ONE DAY. One simple set of actions.

What if the entire country DIDN'T vote? If we held back our tax money? Just imagine all the things that we could NOT do to create change. We are the oil and the force that turns this machine. The government assumes we'll just keep on keeping on. What if we stop?

Yell at me and call me what you will, but I'm dead serious. The actions don't have to be so cataclysmic, but they need to happen. One people for One day. Imagine what we could do. Imagine if our forefathers DIDN'T do it. Imagine that for a minute.

So remember that this 4th of July and remember who really holds the power. There is no power other than that of the people, because the people are what is real. Remember what independence means and ask yourself if you are truly independent.


dan said...

Have I said I love you recently? Thanks for being someone I can look up to, and someone who challenges me to continue thinking.

My mentor professor posted this link today... Sounds very similar to what you're talkin about.

Whatcha think?

Craze! said...

It briefly hits on the issues, but in a Cliff's Notes sort of way, because I think he's discussing in front of academics and not people like us. He doesn't hit on the fact that there is not enough cash in the system to ever pay back the amount of debt load we are carrying. Fact. How does the debt ever get paid if we are further in debt interest than the total of the GNP? It's an imbalance that cannot be corrected without a complete shut-down and overhaul. We've stopped producing and only consume. We make less and spend more, so that's unsustainable. Period. People need to wake up and create the change within their four walls first. It's going to be painful no matter how you look at it, and that's what everyone is afraid to talk directly about.

dan said...

I'm doin my part... well, trying to at least!

You should check out this book, it was given to me by my cousin and I'm about a third of the way through it. It's definitely on track with some of the stuff you're talking about, although along different lines.

The "system" is indeed broken, and instead of fixing it we need to develop another one. A friend of mine was arguing that a "scientific" article he read insisted that the "solution" to overpopulation would be a famine/plague in asia & india. "Their" population needs to decrease for the "system" to last.

Fuck that, and fuck any system that depends on the exploitation of others for its own sake. We need to change this shit, and the change needs to start with us. There is no magic bullet, no magic solution, and no handyman who can come around and fix the shit our parents and us have created...

(friedman also addresses the political suicide of talking about these issues, and offers some possible solutions)

dan said...

Perhaps someone read your blog...